Submissions | AMLaP 2020


Revised abstracts are due July 31st.

Abstracts can be submitted via SoftConf here. By submitting your abstract for a talk you agree that your talk will be video recorded.

Submission guidelines:

  • Submit abstract in PDF format.
  • Use of color is encouraged but make sure colors work for people with color-blindness. (One test is to print in black & white.)
  • Page size is ISO A4 (210 mm × 297 mm, 8.3 in × 11.7 in).
  • Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides (0.984252 in).
  • Font: Helvetica or Arial, 11 pt
  • No page numbers or any other page decoration.
  • First page contains the main text. Structure:
    • Title in bold face
    • Empty line(s) reserved for author names and affiliations
    • Empty line for first author’s e-mail address
    • Empty separator line
    • Main text
    • Paragraphs preferably justified and with automatic hyphenation (if available) for optimal use of space and pleasant-looking typesetting.
  • Second page for additional materials, example stimuli, graphs, tables, references.
  • If the abstract reports research on languages other than English, authors can use an optional third page to provide any additional information about the studied language that could help the readers understand the research. This could be: additional examples, background information about a language, brief discussion of related research on the specific relevant properties of the language, etc.
  • If the abstract reports computational modeling, authors can also use an additional page. In this case, the main text (page 1) should be written to be accessible for a broad audience and more technical information for experts should be provided on the additional page.
  • We invite submissions about ongoing work. Two requirements: First, the data collection has started at the time of submission or is ready to start. Second, the abstract clearly states the planned sample size (with or without justification). In addition, we suggest that these abstracts focus on the design, planned analysis, and potential theoretical import, not on preliminary results (think registered report).
  • Bibliographic information can be in abbreviated style (e.g., Doe et al., J of Examples, 2020) to preserve space for contribution content. APA is not required.
  • Do not include identifying information of any kind.

Abstract templates: