AMLaP 2020 Covid-19 update
1. Conference format: The pandemic has created uncertainty about whether and how AMLaP 2020 will take place. Since there is already enough uncertainty in everyone’s lives, we’ve made the decision to offer AMLaP 2020 in a fully virtual format on the originally scheduled days (September 3rd to 5th, 2020). Talks will be given in the usual style but via Zoom or some similar platform with the opportunity for questions. There will also be poster sessions but we have ideas for adapting this format to work better under the constraints of doing things remotely. In addition, we’re planning to create opportunities for more casual interactions and free-wheeling conversations. Our goal in all this is to make AMLaP 2020 as useful and fun as possible given the circumstances.
2. Abstract submission deadline: Many of us are currently working under less than ideal conditions. We therefore postponed the abstract submission deadline to April 30th.
3. Ongoing data collections: Data collection has come to a complete halt for many of us and that’s interfering with some people’s AMLaP plans. At the same time, it’s still almost five months until AMLaP, which means that in many cases it will be possible to finish data collection in time for the conference. We therefore explicitly invite work that is at the data collection stage. Two requirements for abstracts about ongoing work: First, the data collection has started at the time of submission or is ready to start. Second, the abstract clearly states the planned sample size (with or without justification). In addition, we suggest that these abstracts focus on the design, planned analysis, and potential theoretical import, not on the analysis of the data so far (think registered report).
4. Updated abstract format: First, if an abstract reports computational modeling, authors can use an extra page for supplementary technical information. If this extra page is used, the main text on the first page should be written to be accessible to a broad audience. If equations are included, all symbols and variables should be defined unless they are standard. Equations should also be complemented with verbal explanations. Second, bibliographic information can be in abbreviated style (e.g., Doe et al., J of Examples, 2020) to preserve space for contribution content. APA is not required. Please also see the other guidelines which remain in place (e.g. extra page for research on languages other than English):
If you have questions, suggestions, or concerns about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Our two AMLaP 2020 satellite events, SAFAL and SMLP, will soon send separate announcements.